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Video: Va. police officer goes viral for gospel music performance

Officer Mervin Mayo’s rehearsal video has garnered more than a million views and nearly 40,000 shares on Facebook


New York Daily News

RICHMOND, Va. — With more than a million views on Facebook and nearly 40,000 shares, Richmond Police officer Mervin Mayo has inspired people from around the world with his voice.

Mayo says he posts videos often and was totally taken aback when this one started making waves on social media.

“I never expected this outcome… at all,” said Mayo.

Mayo says he often records his rehearsals and listen back to it to critique himself.

“I do that to try to perfect my craft for Sundays,” said Mayo.

“Basically, it was a rehearsal, I recorded it and decided it’s alright. I’ll post it. Somebody might like it. I might get two likes or something,” he said with a laugh.

Officer Mayo has been with the Richmond Police Department since 2005 and now serves as a school resource officer at Richmond Alternative School.

“I have a really, really good relationship with the kids. I can relate, I’m from Richmond. I grew up in Creighton Court… so, I can relate to what they’re going through,” said Mayo.

Mayo says he’s been singing since he was eight or nine years old, beginning in the church choir.

“I sing in or out of uniform at the drop of a dime. I had just gotten off work and stopped by the church, where I am a minister of music, on the way home to do praise and worship for myself,” Mayo said. “I have to minister to myself before I can minister to someone else.”

“I know this sounds cliché, but I am music. When I think of music, I am music. Yes, I’m a police officer, but I’m music,” he added. “When I’m on this piano and singing, nothing else matters.”

Mayo says that music has his heart, but he feels that his true calling is to preach, which he hopes to start doing within the next few years.

Mayo says he hopes everyone who sees his viral video feels encouraged.

“It really doesn’t matter what you’re going through. The song says, “God sees the best in you,” he added.