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Trending Topics: Why you should always wear your vest

By Police1 Staff

Law enforcement is an undeniably dangerous job. Although it’s impossible to control an unpredictable world, it’s vital that police officers minimize the risks they face in any way they can. Wear your vest. It could save your life.

Ohio officer shot in vest, pleads with suspect to drop gun

Body camera footage captured the shooting.

Vest saves Pa. cop shot in chest

The officer returned home safely after a hospital visit.

Slain NY cop’s widow attests to cost of not wearing vest

Body armor has saved the lives of more than 3,100 police officers since 1987.

Suspect dead, officer saved by vest in Cleveland shooting

The gunman fired at officers from the top of a stairway leading to an apartment.

Vest saves cop shot in Texas; suspect killed

Officer John Calhoun was shot while struggling with an armed man near a bus stop.