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Major Fentanyl and Heroin Update Now Available for TacticID Handheld ID Instruments

B&W Tek an advanced instrumentation company that delivers lab quality Raman spectroscopy solutions through user-friendly mobile platforms, is proud to announce a groundbreaking fentanyl and heroin street narcotic identification update for their award-winning TacticID® handheld spectrometer with the release of TOS version 4.02 and library version 4.2.

The TacticID system has the industry’s largest on-board library of narcotics, pharmaceutical pills and cutting agents along with thousands of hazardous and common chemicals, explosives and more. The system delivers fast, accurate, on-site identification of unknown substances in seconds with clear warning signals and safety information.

The fentanyl and heroin epidemic is the largest and most dangerous narcotic issue in modern United States history. Fentanyl is used to either increase the opioid effect of heroin, usually to dangerous levels, or is mistakenly sold as heroin on the street. Fentanyl and heroin overdoses have increased over 200% since 2010, with fatal overdoses increasing at an alarming rate. The matter has become a regular topic in national news and has even become a political issue in the upcoming 2016 US Presidential election.

Using the updated T-Mode SERS method, TacticID has the capability to identify current analogs of fentanyl and can differentiate between heroin and fentanyl mixtures, fentanyl-only cuts and heroin-only cuts of street samples. This update further aids law enforcement by helping to identify fentanyl quickly and easily, thus limiting exposure. The accuracy and speed of identification with the TacticID brings benefits over traditional narcotic testing kits, which are reported to have issues identifying fentanyl and heroin mixed samples by regularly providing inconclusive results, leading to more backlog in state labs.

With the release of this game-changing update for TacticID, law enforcement and other safety personnel have a significantly updated capability to help address the fentanyl and heroin epidemic. B&W Tek is proud to deliver products that further help in the fight to make our world a safer, more secure place.

About B&W Tek:
B&W Tek, is a mobile spectroscopy solutions company that delivers lab quality Raman, LIBS and NIR solutions through user-friendly mobile platforms. B&W Tek provides solutions for the pharmaceutical, biomedical, physical, chemical, safety, security and research communities. Our commitment to innovative solutions has made B&W Tek a leader in Raman spectroscopy solutions worldwide.