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CTS Less-Lethal Munitions Used During G-20 Summit

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For several days in September, around 2000 protestors descended on Pittsburgh, PA during the G-20 Summit. Among other things, they came to protest war, the economy, capitalism, and speak their mind on the environment. Amidst their ranks, were several hundred hardcore agitators, intent on violence, causing trouble, disturbing the peace and destroying property of area businesses.

Watching news footage or reading international press reports, one could definitely see firsthand the effects and efficacy of CTS less-lethal munitions, used almost exclusively by local, state and federal law enforcement. Of particular note was the frequency in the news of the term “OC Vapor”. OC Vapor, originally developed as an indoor tactical grenade, is a highly effective, non-visible, nonflammable, non-contaminating less-lethal agent for law enforcement. It can be deployed via grenade or hand held aerosol delivery systems. OC Vapor primarily affects the respiratory system causing shortness of breath along with pain and discomfort.

Of particular benefit during the G-20 riots, Pittsburgh Police reported that OC Vapor allowed them to target unruly groups in specific areas, effectively dispersing protestors and quelling disorder followed by a quick dissipation. The temporary less-lethal effect on the protestors accomplished the objective. Even officers accidentally exposed cited OC Vapor’s quick recovery benefits. Another report cited OC-Vapor grenades often surprised protestors. While presumably expecting smoke to billow from the grenade, the discharge of a non-visible vapor following the hissing sound, caught many of the would be rabble-rousers off guard.

To watch news footage about OC Vapor go to and search “And Then Came a Cloud of Smoke G20.”

To read accounts about OC Vapor go to and search Protesters break windows, clash with police at G20.