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Appriss Launches New and Improved Mobile Apps for iPhones

Louisville, KY – The Rutherford County Tennessee Sheriff’s Office has become one of the first in the nation to allow citizens to keep track of emergency situations in their community through an improved mobile phone app on their iPhone. Sheriff Robert Arnold launched the new app last Friday.

Appriss provides the app free of charge to sheriffs that provide VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) to the citizens of their communities. The app allows law enforcement officials to distribute photos of missing children or persons of interest as well inform the public about traffic crashes, road closures, evacuations or other important information. Victims of crime can also receive information about offenders
through VINE.

“This is one of the most powerful alert tools we have seen and by making this available via iPhone, we are taking information and notification services to a whole new level,” said David Kaelin, Appriss president. “We believe the sheriff’s app will save lives.”

The phone app is paid for by commercial sponsors. It can be downloaded by searching “TNRutherfordSO” on the App Store. It may also be downloaded on the Android App by searching “TNRutherfordSO” on Google Play.

“More than 200 people downloaded the app in the first 24 hours in Tennessee and nine other states,” said Lt. Larry Pace, who coordinated the app for the sheriff’s office. “We anticipate 3,000 to 4,000 downloads within the first two weeks.”

Currently, 42 sheriffs across the country are utilizing the Android version of the application. These and other sheriff offices across the country who are signed up to participate will be receiving the iPhone and the new Android version of the app in the coming months.

About Appriss
Appriss keeps communities safe and informed by using innovative technology to provide a suite of products that: inform crime victims of an offender’s status (VINE); help police catch criminals (JusticeXchange); improve traffic safety and make crash reports available online (BuyCrash); and prevent the illegal sale of pseudoephedrine to help reduce the number of meth labs (NPLEx).

Appriss also provides smartphone apps for sheriffs’ offices to help them communicate more effectively with their communities. The app is provided at no cost to sheriffs who offer VINE.

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