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Case study: High Schools Increase Student Safety with Breath Alcohol Testing from Lifeloc Technologies

By Lifeloc Technologies

Calcasieu Parish High School, Louisiana and Beaverton High School District, Oregon use new breathalyzer technology from Lifeloc Technologies to eliminate alcohol abuse at school events and save lives.

Allen Cormier, Sergeant with Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Department in Louisiana knows first-hand that lives are saved by conducting breath alcohol testing at school events. Says Sergeant Cormier, “Prior to testing for alcohol at school events at least one child died each year from alcohol related incidents. This statistic has since been eliminated.” The sentiment is echoed by Kevin Sutherland speaking about the Beaverton District High Schools in Oregon. Kevin observed that prior to implementing comprehensive alcohol awareness and testing programs at the five schools, six to 10 teenagers died each year in alcohol related crashes. Since Beaverton District implemented testing three years ago there have been three deaths and five injuries from similar crashes.

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