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New Racial Profiling Book From Looseleaf Law Shares Expert Insights Into this Complex & Controversial Issue

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Flushing, New York—Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc. is proud to announce the release of, The Racial Profiling Controversy: What Every Police Leader Should Know, a new book by former police administrator Brian L. Withrow. Tapping into his many years of experience, Withrow, a top racial profiling expert who has successfully assisted in the defense of more police officers and agencies accused of racial profiling that any other expert in the nation, delves into a wide spectrum of issues associated with this topic. Included are the myths and realities of racial profiling, crucial steps agencies must take to guard against unfounded accusations of racial profiling offenses, guidance on creating effective policies and procedures that can bolster your defense and minimize legal risk as well as insights into the importance of managing discretion and controlling consent searches. Additionally, Withrow gives readers a rare, insider look at the actual strategies plaintiff’s attorneys use to build racial profiling cases against officers and attorneys.

“Racial profiling has always been an issue taken very seriously in law enforcement,” said Looseleaf Law President, Michael Loughrey. “With today’s increasingly diversified population, it’s more important than ever. The consequences of actual racial profiling offenses can be devastating to officers, agencies, and profiling victims. The time, resources and funding that must be applied to defending against unsubstantiated accusations can be just as devastating.”

“By sharing the hard-earned knowledge he gained through years of intense involvement with myriad racial profiling cases, Brian Withrow helps prepare all of law enforcement to avoid the mistakes that can serve as catalysts to racial profiling accusations and to identify when an actual racial profiling problem exists in the agency so it can be confronted and remedied.”

The Racial Profiling Controversy: What Every Police Leader Should Know (ISBN: 978-1-932777-91-8, 194 pgs., softcover) is available for $24.95 plus shipping and handling by calling (800) 647-5547 or visiting

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