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Wash. PD announces $20K bonus incentive program to attract lateral LEOs

The program is an effort to attract LEOs within the state of Washington because hiring, training and relocating takes less time than with a new recruit

By Police1 Staff

EVERETT, Wash. — A Washington police department is offering an additional financial incentive to bring in more lateral officers.

Starting in June, hired state lateral police officers can receive a $20,000 bonus from the Everett Police Department. The bonus will be paid in installments, beginning on the officer’s hire date and ending when the officer completes probation.

The incentive program is an effort to attract officers from within the state of Washington because hiring, training and relocating takes less time than with a new recruit and allows the officers to get out into the community quicker.

The department currently has five vacant officer positions with additional vacancies anticipated this summer due to retirements. The department hopes to fill the openings and have a fully-staffed team within the next six to 12 months.