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On September 11, 2001, terrorists used hijacked airplanes as weapons to attack the United States. Two planes hit the World Trade Center towers in New York City. One plane flew into the side of the Pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers stormed the cockpit. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attack.

Thousands of first responders answered the call that day to search for survivors amid the rubble, smoke and debris, with 343 firefighters ultimately perishing in the collapse of the Twin Towers and countless more succumbing to 9/11-related illnesses from working at Ground Zero.

Use this resource page to learn about developments in healthcare protections for 9/11 first responders, read the experiences of those who were there and stay current on counter-terrorism priorities for law enforcement.

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September 11, then and now
Port Authority Officer Will Jimeno, who was trapped in the World Trade Center rubble, shares what he has learned from his recovery post-9/11
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Joe Biden, plus former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, took part in today’s ceremony at Sept. 11 memorial plaza in New York
An increase in information sharing and an emphasis on collecting intelligence data were two of the biggest changes
September 11, then and now
Constructing a sound disaster plan ahead of an event is key for a successful response
September 11, then and now
The short film shares interviews from police officers and firefighters who were there that day
The money would shore up the 9/11 World Trade Center Health Program, which was permanently extended, along with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
“If I talk in the third person, like I’m not there, then I can convey the story.”
September 11, then and now
We must never forget what happened 20 years ago on 9/11 and what must be done to ensure it never happens again
September 11, then and now
Podcast hosts Jim Dudley, Chris Cebollero, Marc Bashoor and Rob Lawrence address how 9/11 affected all facets of public safety