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Getting hired as an Officer: The interview

Be sure you spend time preparing so you can shine during this part of the hiring process


By Dr. Chuck Russo, program director of Criminal Justice at American Military University

You have arrived at the interview. Your stomach may be in knots, but if you know what to expect, you can control your nerves so they don’t control you. Be sure you spend time preparing so you can shine during this part of the hiring process.

Remember Names and Ranks
You will be walked into the room at the appropriate time and introduced to the interviewer and/or the board members. Shake each individual’s hand as you greet them with their name and rank. Pay close attention during the introductions: Your goal is to remember names and ranks!

Boards are frequently composed of individuals from the agency who hold different ranks. Don’t walk into an interview assuming individuals will be in uniform and you will be able to recognize their rank. Be prepared to remember the name and rank of each individual and, when asked a question, respond with the individual’s name and rank, unless instructed otherwise.

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