Delaware County Daily Times
UPPER DARBY, Penn. (AP) -- A 22-year-old man was shot and killed by police after he burst into the police station lobby and threatened people inside, authorities said.
Police said that Fundador David Torres, of Upper Darby in suburban Philadelphia, was shot once in the chest and was pronounced dead at the scene in an incident that detectives called a “suicide by cop.”
Wielding a loaded .357 Magnum and carrying 75 rounds of ammunition in his pockets, Torres entered the Upper Darby police headquarters around 2 a.m. Friday and confronted an officer and a civilian worker who were sitting behind a bulletproof glass window, authorities said.
“He had a beer bottle in his hand and threw the bottle against the safety glass,” Detective Lt. George Rhoades said. “The bottle shattered and the officer pushed the jailer down to safety and called for an assist.”
Four officers entered the lobby and ordered the man to drop his weapon, but he instead pointed the loaded handgun at officers. Two officers fired at Torres, who was shot once in the chest.
Lt. Anthony Paparo, 41, was shot in the shoulder apparently by a fellow officer since Torres never fired his gun, police said.
“His family told us he had recently lost his job and was distraught and was drinking heavily,” Rhoades said of Torres. “We believe this is a suicide by cop. We believe he came to the police station with the intent to die.”