Police1 Staff Report
(ANNISTON, AL.) -- A deranged World War II veteran who barricaded himself in his house and shot three officers has been found dead in the smoldering ruins of his home.
The wild gunfight began Friday night when officers tried to serve Philip Cooper, 76, with a court order to have a psychiatric evaluation.
Lawmen told The Anniston Star that Cooper had sealed himself inside his Elizabeth Street home with 200 rounds of ammunition and a two month supply of food and fired armor piercing bullets at the officers.
Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson said the scene was “like a war zone.”
Three Anniston officers, David Starling, Craig Burt and Brad Bowdoin, suffered gunshot wounds, but none appeared life threatening, authorities said. The officers were recovering in area hospitals and listed in fair to stable condition.
After a 12-hour standoff, Cooper’s home burst into flames and was consumed. Authorities said they have yet to determine how Cooper died.