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2 arraigned in shootings of NYPD officers

Earlier Wednesday, one officer was released from the hospital

Associated Press

NEW YORK — New York City prosecutors say one man has been charged with attempted murder and another with burglary in the robbery of a Bronx bodega in which two police officers were shot.

Joshua Kemp and Jason Polanco were arraigned Wednesday.

A criminal complaint says the 24-year-old Polanco shot Officer Andrew Dossi in the elbow and back and shot Officer Aliro Pellarano in the arm and chest Monday. It says Polanco then forced people out of a car at gunpoint before crashing the vehicle blocks away. Another complaint says the 28-year-old Kemp used a gun to rob the store’s cash register.

The two men’s lawyers didn’t return messages seeking comment.

Kemp’s bail was set at $200,000; Polanco was returned to jail.

Earlier Wednesday, Pellerano was released from the hospital. Dossi remains hospitalized.

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