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Man adorned with hubcaps, drumsticks pulled over on office chair

The man told police he was “late for a gig” as he rolled along a Capitol Hill street, covered in scarves

By John de Leon
The Seattle Times

A 29-year-old man earned himself a mental-health evaluation after police spotted him early this morning rolling down a Capitol Hill street in an office chair while wearing motorcycle goggles and with a hubcap tied to his arm.

Seattle police encountered the man around 2:30 a.m. near Lakeview Boulevard and East Highland Drive. The man, who was carrying a set of drumsticks and wore several scarves and purses, told police he was “late for a gig,” according to an item in the Police Department’s online SPD Blotter.

The man gave officers a fake name and directed them to handcuff him.

After they cuffed the man, officers sat him back down in the chair and rolled him over to the curb. The man then rolled himself back into traffic and fell out of his chair, but was caught by one of the officers, police said.

As police helped the man over to the curb again, he spat at an officer but missed. Officers searched the man and found a 12-inch crowbar, police said. The man also had stuffed a belt buckle and necklace into his gloves.

Officers took the man to Harborview Medical Center for a mental-health evaluation.

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