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Naked man wielding ‘Samurai’ sword arrested after standoff

32 police were at the scene blocking off the area as officers tried negotiating with the crazed man

By Police1 Staff

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Police arrested a mentally disturbed man on New Year’s Day after an hour-and-a-half of negotiating.

Coco Bennett, 29, was naked and armed with a samurai-like sword and a loaded assault rifle, repeatedly telling officers, “You’re going to have to kill me,” according to the Associated Press.

“This could have gone really, really bad,” said Officer Albert Morales, a police spokesman, of the incident. “Things could have turned out very differently.”

Officers used a flash-bang device to distract the suspect.

Bennett dropped the sword while trying to jump a fence, and police were able to take it and arrest him, according to the article.

At one point 32 officers were on the scene.

It is still unclear how the suspect obtained the rifle.