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Video of Kan. officer dancing with protesters goes viral

A Wichita officer attending a BLM protest-turned-BBQ danced to “Cha Cha Slide”

By Police1 Staff

WICHITA, Kan. Wichita Police Officer Aaron Moses is the newest viral dancing star after a video from the Wichita Black Lives Matter protest that turned into a barbecue caught the attention of social media.

The video, posted on Facebook by Conlee Borchard, shows Officer Moses getting down in full gear with protesters to the “Cha Cha Slide.”

The caption reads: “This is what humanity was designed to do. Work together, love each other and live in COMMUNITY. Could you imagine the history that would be made if the rest of our nation followed this example?? #WICHITAPROUD”.

“I will never know what it’s like to grow up and not trust a police officer,” Moses told CNN. “I think once you realize that, it’s a pretty profound thing that affects the way you do everything.”