By Michael McGough
The Sacramento Bee
CLARENDON, Texas — A recent traffic stop on a Texas highway resulted in the arrest of a Sacramento man pulling an absolutely massive haul of marijuana and related products, the Texas Department of Public Safety reported this week.
How massive? The Texas DPS seized more than 5,800 total pounds (3,400 of weed, 2,400 of additional THC product) found in the rear cargo hold of an RV driven by William Davis, 52, of Sacramento. A Texas Highway Patrol trooper had pulled Davis over for an unspecified traffic violation, the Texas DPS said this week in a news release.
The weed was vacuum-sealed in packages inside dozens of boxes within the 2014 Volvo RV, which was being driven on Highway 287 near Clarendon on Nov. 20, when Davis was pulled over.
Davis was arrested on suspicion of felony-level marijuana possession and booked into the Donley County jail.
Anything over 4 ounces is a felony quantity for marijuana in Texas. The RV had nearly 14,000 times that amount.
Possession of 2,000 pounds or more carries a five-year minimum prison sentence in Texas, and sale of that amount or higher has a 10-year minimum.
Allegedly, Davis was transporting the pot from Redding to Houston. That’s a trek of about 2,100 miles. Davis was busted about 550 miles from Houston.