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5 best police PSAs of 2013

By Police1 Staff

What better way to get the word out about practicing caution when driving, vacationing, shopping, and locking up your house than to spread a catchy toon accompanied by a silly video created by your local police? Dozens of PSA’s have made their way to P1 this year, so we’re picked our top 5 favorites.

Has your department made a PSA this year that we missed? Upload it to BLUtube!

Invasion of the Zombie Bandits

The LAPD got on board with zombie trend when they released a PSA warning the city to lock car doors and keep electronics out of site.

K-9 teaches cell phone theft prevention

The Tampa police released a cell phone theft prevention PSA to remind Tampa to treat their phones like they would their wallets.

Silent night, make the burglar run in fright

Huddersfield, West Yorks police spread the cheer with their harmonious ballad to warn their community to follow crime prevention advice during the holidays.

What Does the Cop Say

Brevard County Sheriff’s Office made a parody of the bizarre hit, “What does the fox say?” to advise how to shop safely during the holidays.


Police in Franklin, Tenn. had a leg up on the PSA competition when one of their officers – a talented former singer – belted out a tune about their non-emergency line.