A group of academic, university-based emergency physicians with an interest in blast injuries has launched a comprehensive web-based resources for first responders. Because first responders (in particular emergency medical technicians and emergency room physicians) have only limited experience in the evaluation and treatment of blast related injuries, BlastInjury.org has created the website as a one-stop educational and training resource.
This information can be helpful for law enforcement officers as well should you be first on the scene of an explosion.
As an example, one of their Web pages includes information on Blast Injury Basics:
• Bombs and explosions can cause unique patterns of injury seldom seen outside combat.
• The predominant post explosion injuries among survivors involve standard penetrating and blunt trauma. Blast lung is the most common fatal injury among initial survivors.
• Explosions in confined spaces (mines, buildings, or large vehicles) and/or structural collapse are associated with greater morbidity and mortality.
• Half of all initial casualties will seek medical care over a one-hour period. This can be useful to predict demand for care and resource needs.
• Expect an “upside-down” triage - the most severely injured arrive after the less injured, who bypass EMS triage and go directly to the closest hospitals
Other resources on the site include historical perspectives, blast physics, selected injuries and a literature database. Visit their Web site.