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Tip for 2012: Take care of you!

Wow! This has been one heck of a year — the officer down page is once again above 100. I’m not going to tell you in this article about watching your six, checking your weapon for good operation, or keeping your tactical self in order, or even about wearing your vest.

Nope, not at all.

What I’m going to ask you is, since you left the police academy 1-4 years or 4-8 years ago, have you been taking care of you? Are you getting annual physicals, are you checking you heart, are you smoking a pack a day, drinking more than two drinks a day?

You older guys how about that colonoscopy (ouch!) actually doesn’t hurt at all, and you might even have your eyes checked at the same time! LOL...

All kidding aside here, you don’t get healthier doing this job. As you get older — you just gain more street experience — the healthy part is up to you. Get to the doctor, you have insurance. The biggest fear is not knowing what is lurking under that uniform, not the guy who is trying to take your head off. Collectively we can deal with the bad guys, but only you can take care of you. So what are you waiting for get to your doctor ASAP, get that machine you call a body on track. Ladies, this goes for you too.

Merry and Healthy Christmas and Happier New Year too. Happy Holidays to all.