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Balt. sgt. says he had to view Klan site

The Associated Press

BALTIMORE, Md. — A black city police sergeant has filed a complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging he was ordered by his boss to look at about 25-30 Web sites with information about the Ku Klux Klan.

The complaint was filed March 5 by Sgt. Kelvin Sewell, a supervisor in the homicide division and a 20-year veteran of the police department, the Baltimore Examiner reported.

The allegation is included in a nine-part complaint detailing other alleged incidences of discrimination in his unit.

Sewell claims his supervisor informed him that there had been a Klan rally near Sewell’s home in Cecil County in 2006 and allegedly ordered him into his office to see Web sites about the rally.

Police spokesman Sterling Clifford said he could not comment on the complaint.