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Mass. Police Never Alerted as Fellow Cop Got Beaten Up in Cafe

By Tom Farmer, Boston Herald

Outraged that none of the staff at the Buchanan Cafe called for help when a Lynn police lieutenant was brutally beaten inside the Lynn bar, irate cops want an emergency hearing before the licensing board to consider disciplining the tavern.

“No one called,” said police Capt. Joseph Rowe. “No one inside the bar, including the bartender or management called the police. The call we received was made outside the bar by someone who wasn’t connected to the management.”

Meanwhile, a second Hells Angel was charged yesterday in connection with last week’s vicious beating.

Thomas M. Duda Jr., 35, who Rowe described as a “patched member of the Lynn chapter of the Hells Angels,” surrendered at the Lynn police station yesterday. Police held a warrant charging him with mayhem, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery causing serious bodily injury and assault and battery.

Duda and another Hells Angel, James “Jamie” Costin, 40, of Lynn, are accused in the severe beating Wednesday night of Lt. Vernon “Skip” Coleman. Coleman, who was off duty and reportedly eating a sandwich in the Buchanan Cafe, was allegedly “sucker-punched” without provocation by Costin, who is employed as an auditor by state Auditor A. Joseph DeNucci.

Coleman, who was repeatedly kicked in the head after being knocked to the floor, is expected to recover.

Sheila Casey of Lynn, who is listed as the president, treasurer and member manager for the corporation that owns the small bar at the busy intersection of Eastern and Western Avenues, did not respond to a request for comment.

Rowe said the emergency hearing before the Licensing Board has been scheduled for tomorrow night. “We have forwarded them all our reports,” he said.

Police are also searching for a third Hells Angel in connection with the incident but Rowe declined to reveal whether the man will be charged.