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Police investigate death in infield of NASCAR race

A man died of a ‘self-inflicted’ injury following an altercation in the infield

Associated Press

FORT WORTH, Texas — Fort Worth police are investigating after they say a man died of a “self-inflicted injury” following a verbal altercation in the infield during a NASCAR race at Texas Motor Speedway.

Police spokeswoman Cpl. Tracey Knight says the man was believed to be around 40, but didn’t identify him.

The death happened near or at the end of the Sprint Cup race Saturday night.

Knight didn’t specify how the man died, or his relationship with others involved in the altercation. Knight said several people witnessed the altercation but that nobody else was in danger.

Police blocked off an area of the infield not far from Turn 3. Investigators were looking inside a vehicle parked in the area.

Copyright 2013 Associated Press