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Video: Officer points gun at teen filming arrest

The officer had asked for the men’s IDs because he suspected them of violating curfew, though it is still unclear of their ages

By Police1 Staff

SAN DIEGO — Grainy cell phone video shows a police officer holding a person on the ground while pointing a gun at the person holding the camera.

The incident began when an officer approached three young men outside a store late Sunday and asked to see their identification, according to 10News.

According to spokeswoman Lt. Andrea Brown, the officer had asked for their IDs because he was concerned they were violating a curfew violation which prohibits juveniles ages 17 and under to be out past 10:00 PM.

In the video, the officer appears to be holding of the teeangers down after he refused to show his ID. The officer can be heard saying “put that down,” at one point in the video. Although it isn’t clear what he is referring to, later on the video, someone can be heard saying they have a knife in their right pocket.

10News was tipped off to the video by an attorney who is considering representing the young men in a harassment suit.

At one point, the video shows the officer pointing his gun at the person holding the cellphone and telling him, “Get over there.”

“You do not, you cannot point the gun at me for not doing jack---. That is bull---,” the young man screams back, while continuing to film.

“It was 11:20 at night and the officer was investigating curfew violations. Age is the issue. All they had to do was show their IDs,” Brown said. She added that one of the young men is facing a misdemeanor for obstructing justice-resisting arrest.

“The video doesn’t tell the whole story. We’re missing the beginning that leads up to the incident,” she said.