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Reserve deputy killed in crash after possible medical emergency

Deputy Don Williams, 55, was a husband, father of six and a hardworking reserve deputy of 17 years


Duty Death: Don Williams - [Ozark]

By Police1 Staff

OZARK, Ala. — A reserve deputy died in a single-car crash Wednesday after possibly suffering a medical emergency.

Reserve Deputy Don Williams, 55, had just finished serving civil papers when his vehicle strayed from the road and hit parked cars, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page. Police Chief No one else was injured and police believe a medical episode occurred, the Dothan Eagle reported.

Williams was a husband, father of six and a hardworking reserve deputy who served with the Dale County Sheriff’s Office for 17 years and also worked as a security guard for the Southeast Alabama Medical Center.

“Don was just an extraordinary individual — the way he made people feel, his energy and the pride he had in the sheriff’s department. He has been through a lot, but the one thing he’s always done was take care of his family and never complained about anything,” Dale County Sheriff Wally Olson said.

“We’ve literally grown up together as a family in this department.”