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Mass. LEO accused of mailing fake ticket, threatening note to driver

Christopher Curtis pleaded not guilty to charges he sent the fake document and note to a driver who allegedly cut him off with his vehicle


A Boston police officer pleaded not guilty to charges of allegedly sending a threatening note and fake speeding ticket to a driver.

Photo/Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office

Tanner Stening

BOSTON — A Boston police officer pleaded not guilty in Suffolk Superior Court Tuesday to charges that he mailed a fake citation and a threatening letter to a motorist he says cut him off on Interstate 93, according to the Boston Globe.

Christopher Curtis is being charged with forgery, uttering a false report by a public employee, witness intimidation, misleading an investigation and unlawfully obtaining CORI in connection with the incident, according to the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office. He is ordered to stay away from and have no contact with the victim.

Curtis allegedly sent the fake $790 ticket and the note after the encounter with the driver on March 1, 2019, the Globe reports.

“Try fighting this… I dare you!” the note read, according to the Globe. “What happens when you try and run an officers truck off the road on 93S. Hope it was worth it. See you in court.”

In a statement, Suffolk County DA Rachel Rollins said Curtis’ actions amounted to an abuse of power.

“These allegations outline an abuse of power by an individual responsible for protecting the public and upholding the law,” Rollins said. “The community’s relationship with members of law enforcement relies on trust, and actions like these harm the ability of every member of law enforcement to effectively perform their vital duties.”