We all have heard, or seen, or read, of the prisoner who slips the cuffs from the back to the front, does some David Copperfield move and gets out of the car, climbs through the window, or waits for the door to open again and attacks the officer. We just had it happen on a recent post, “Woman steals cruiser and crashes while cuffed.”
OK! Here is a simple solution for you to keep those hands cuffed in back. Any time you have someone who might be a flight risk — and it is safe to believe they all are — after cuffing them behind and they are secure, you can use a second set of cuffs to secure the first set to their belt, or their belt loops (in the back of course!). If there are no belt or loops, you carry and extra belt in your gear bag in your cruiser (you do have one!), wrap your belt around the subject’s waist, and use your second pair of cuffs or wire tie cuffs to secure the hands and first set. This way, no wiggling will occur.
Then you can deal with the subject at HQ to reverse the process.