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Video: Ohio cop praised for response to teens carrying replica guns

Witnesses were put at ease after the incident which ‘looked like Tamir Rice’

By Police1 Staff

PARMA, Ohio — Parma police released video of an incident very similar to one that made headlines in Cleveland. reported witnesses called about two teenagers armed with guns in a park. The guns, found later to be BB guns, had their orange tips removed. The responding officer, 17-year veteran Eric Jezior, is being praised for his handling of the situation.

“These so-called replica guns, it’s nearly impossible to tell that they aren’t real with the tips removed,” Detective Lt. Kevin Riley told the news site. “The officer responding did a great job.”

The incident induced anxiety in witnesses, FOX 8 reported.

“My first reaction was Tamir Rice, and we called 911,” Jayson Gnall told FOX. “Parents need to start talking to their kids, too, about the safety of guns. And if you’re using a toy gun, have the orange tip on.”

The video shows as soon as the officer rolled up, the two raised their hands.

“They put their hands up; they walked toward the officer; and that led to the outcome,” Riley said.

The juvenile brothers, 12 and 15, surrendered to police immediately and were charged with inciting panic. They also had a small bag of marijuana on them.