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Wash. prosecutor: No charges in ex-trooper’s ’98 death

Ronda Reynolds was in the process of breaking up with her husband when she was found dead

Associated Press

SEATTLE — A prosecutor in Washington state says there isn’t enough evidence to seek charges against the husband and stepson of a former state trooper who died in 1998, despite the recent findings of an inquest jury.

Ronda Reynolds was in the process of breaking up with her husband when she was found dead from a gunshot wound.

Her death was originally ruled a suicide, but her mother spent a decade pursuing the case. An investigation led to the inquest. A jury last week ruled her death a homicide and determined her husband and stepson were responsible for her death,

But Lewis County Prosecutor Jonathan Meyer says most of the testimony and evidence offered at the inquest was hearsay and conjecture. It wouldn’t be admissible in a criminal trial.

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