By Police1 Staff
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas — Deputies in Harris County were involved in a bizarre series of events that included one LEO accidentally shooting a hit-and-run suspect after slipping in mud.
The Houston Chronicle reports that an off-duty LEO working a second job got a call about a wreck on Dec. 4 after the driver failed to stop and give information. An on-duty deputy was able to locate the suspect and pursued him.
When the brief pursuit concluded, the deputy approached the suspect with his gun drawn. Before the suspect could get his license and registration, the officer slipped in some water and mud. Sgt. Cedrick Collier said the deputy’s gun went off as he slipped and the bullet grazed the suspect’s forehead.
The suspect was transported to a hospital for treatment.
But the incident didn’t end there.
Deputies were parked outside of the hospital so they could transport the suspect to jail after his release. One of the deputies left their vehicle unattended with the keys in the ignition.
Another man believed to be unconnected to the shooting incident then hopped in the officer’s car for a “joy ride.” It’s unclear how far the man drove before he was taken into custody. He was charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle and evading arrest.
The man shot in the face was charged with failure to stop and give information and evading arrest.
A spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said an investigation is underway to “determine whether the officer’s actions were appropriate and justified.”