In this video, Police1 Member Sheriff Ray Nash follows up on to the topic of generating voluntary compliance in a subject. As was stated in part one of this three-part series, answering the question “Why?” — both for yourself and for the subject — the citizen must comply with your lawful authority is a big first step in de-escalating the encounter. In essence, you must remove your ego from the answer (not, “because I said so” but instead, “because the law states...”) in building the foundation for compliance.
In this segment, Nash gets into some mediation tactics to that you may want to employ with central offenders — those right in the middle of the spectrum of five types of offender — who is likely to challenge your lawful authority. Nash suggests that you offer an answer to this offender’s question, “What’s in it for me?”
Check out part two below, and watch for part three in coming weeks.