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Policing Matters Podcast: How can cops defend against terrorist attacks?

Doug and Jim also discuss issues related to multi-disciplinary response, crime prevention, and the use of social media in LE


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Segment One: This week, suicide bombers killed more than 30 innocents and wounded more than 230 others in two separate, coordinated attacks at the Zaventem airport and aboard a commuter train in the Maelbeek section of the city. The targets and the methods of attack are significant — both the airport and the train are soft targets, and the bombs were devastating but simple to build and deploy. Jim and Doug revisit the eight pre-attack indicators of terrorist activity, and examine how American police can 1.) defend and deter attacks by hardening soft targets, 2.) detect, deceive, and disrupt planned attacks, and 3.) defeat and destroy attackers once they have successfully committed an attack.

Segment Two: There are many calls for service which attract a multi-disciplinary response — everything from a multi-vehicle casualty crash on a freeway to an active-killer incident where EMS/Fire could save lives but stand back until the scene has been declared “secure” by police. Jim and Doug discuss how the first responder disciplines can work better together, and just as importantly, train together for more effective multi-disciplinary response.

Segment Three: In what can be charitably called an innovative approach, police in Richmond (Calif.) and other places across the country are paying monthly stipends to known criminals in return for the promise that they not commit crimes. Jim and Doug examine how the program came to be, and issue a call to action for podcast listeners: email us with innovative ideas you know to be working in your agency to prevent criminal activity.

Segment Four: Social Media sites have claimed the job of more than one police officer — even a Chief of Police can get bagged for their “free speech” on the Internet. Jim and Doug discuss where things can go wrong, as well as positive ways in which police are utilizing these web-based instant communications tools. For additional information on protecting yourself on social media, check out the basic and advanced safety settings suggested by Police1 Contributor Lauri Stevens.

Episode 8

  • Segment One: Terror in Brussels
  • Segment Two: Multi-Disciplinary (11:46 min. mark)
  • Segment Three: Paying Criminals (19:27 min. mark)
  • Segment Four: Social Media (25:40 min. mark)
Policing Matters law enforcement podcast with host Jim Dudley features law enforcement and criminal justice experts discussing critical issues in policing