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Major changes announced for Homeland Security Grants

2012 applications are due May 4, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security has made some dramatic changes to the preparedness grants offered through the department. A $1 billion dollar cut in funding has been made and many programs have been eliminated. The 2012 applications are due May 4, 2012 and much attention needs to be paid to these changes to assure that the eligible applicants submit a successful application. Any department, fusion center or other entity seeking DHS funding must contact their State Administering Agency (SAA) as soon as possible to learn how their office in your state is implementing and managing these changes.

The 2012 funding year is to serve as a transition to a “new grants vision” in 2013. Many programs have been consolidated and others eliminated. The department is working to streamline the grant model and its process.

Presidential Police Directive 8 provides the details concerning the Nation’s new preparedness goals. PPD-8 sets a strategic vision for national preparedness using a comprehensive approach to preparedness. The National Preparedness Goal (NPG) addresses the transition from the targeted capabilities list (TCL) to core capabilities. The grant performance period has been changed to two years instead of three. It is recommended that you download these documents and read them carefully.

PPD8 states that “National Preparedness is the shared responsibility of the whole community”. All levels of government, private and nonprofit sectors and individual citizens are responsible for the planning and implementation of national preparedness. The NPG has three priorities:

1.) Implementation of PPD8 and the whole community approach
2.) Building and sustaining LEO terrorism prevention capabilities
3.) Maturation of state and urban fusion centers

A cross walk matrix is available to provide a cross walk from the TCL to the Core Capabilities. The matrix and details concerning the changes may be found in the September 20122 National Preparedness Goal publication.

The SAAs have been provided guidance on the transition and details of changes made within the DHS grants program. The key changes are:

Waived 2012 Environmental and Historical Preservation requirements
Eliminating backlog of Environmental and Historical Preservation requirements
Streamlined Port Security and Transit Security Programs
Current level of unused previously awarded funds: $8.3 Billion
Working to streamline past funding for quick implementation
Flexible measures apply to FY 2007-2012 grants only
Reprioritization of awards towards more urgent priorities: general purpose equipment and overtime/backfill expenses
Expand allowable expenses under PTSGP
Allow combating extremism activities under priority two: building and preventing capabilities
Waivers granted 2008/09 on 25% allocation of funds toward IEDs
Waived 50% cap on personnel costs
Will consider requests to waive match requirements 2008/09 Port Security grants
Will consider requests to waive match for NSVP/IECGP/RCPGP
Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities
Policy on maintenance and sustainment expanded to allow for equipment previously purchased
Eligibility requirement tied to one of five core capabilities

All requests for extensions must be submitted by April 30, 2012. Contact your SAA as soon as possible!

FEMA/DHS is working to eliminate the backlog of grant funding still not requested for drawdown. Timelines have been set grant funds still backlogged from 2007-2011 funding already awarded. Once the deadline has occurred any remaining funding not expended will no longer be available. It is strongly advised that you prepare and submit your formal request for unexpended grant funds as soon as possible. Please assure that you pay strict attention to the following deadlines

FY 2007 must be spent by June 30, 2012
FY 2007/08 must be spent by September 30, 2012
FY 2010 must be spent by September 30, 2012
FY 2011 and 2012 must be spent by end of day on the award agreement

Once again, if you have not contact your SAA, you must do so immediately in order to meet the requirements and deadlines set for the transition from 2012 to the new vision for DHS grant funding in 2013.

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