By Chris Cosgriff
The Officer Down Memorial Page
With just one day before January’s halfway point, line of duty deaths in 2010 are up 900% compared to the same time last year.
So far in 2010, 11* law enforcement officers from nine different states have been killed in the line of duty: Five* by gunfire and six in automobile or motorcycle crashes. As we honor their memories, and mourn their loss, every single person in the law enforcement community must also demand that the downward trend in deaths we’ve been experiencing over the past few years doesn’t come to end in 2010. Everyone must work together to remind rookies, veterans, and themselves that it is every cop’s responsibility to be safe out there.
Take it upon yourself to use and share these resources to assist you in that effort:
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial’s Drive Safely Campaign serves as a reminder to not only civilians, but also police officers, about the dangers posed on the roadways. Every officer and supporter should participate in the campaign.
For the raw numbers on the number of officers killed in vehicle crashes lately, visit the Officer Down Memorial Page and just take a look at the yearly breakdowns. The numbers are truly sobering.
I am personally calling on all officers to make a conscious decision to:
1) Wear your seatbelts
2) Remember that you’re no good as a backup officer if you don’t arrive
3) Always approach stopped vehicles in the safest location possible
One of the greatest honors a fallen officer can have is that his or her tragic loss saves the lives of other officers in the future. I urge everyone to honor each of this year’s fallen in that way.
For a complete list of this year’s fallen heroes, visit the Officer Down Memorial Page.
*Numbers have been edited to reflect Fla. Capt. Chad Reed, who died from a gunshot wound on Thursday, Jan. 14.
This piece was first published on PoliceLink and has been posted with permission from the author.