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Photo: Va. deputies help rescue stranded lab on icy pond

The lab was standing in water up to his chest

By Police1 Staff

ORANGE, Va. — Orange County Sheriff’s deputies helped rescue a stranded lab in a frozen pond.

The deputies were called on Feb. 2 about a lab trapped in a ice-covered pond, according to their Facebook post. The 12-year-old lab named Tucker was stranded almost 50 feet from shore with icy water up to his chest.

“The lab was barking in desperation,” the sheriff’s office said.

Two firefighters arrived to assist and used a ladder to reach the lab. Firefighter Aaron Lovell crawled on the ice in an ice rescue suit to help retrieve the lab. As he neared the animal, the ice cracked and Lovell fell through.

The water was shallow so Lovell was able to grab the dog while Deputies Broyles and Cutone pulled them both to safety.

The lab was taken to the veterinarian. Officers were able to find his owner.
