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Texas cities planning 9/11 tributes

Guest speakers will to pay tribute to the firefighters, paramedics, police officers, and civilians who lost their lives in the attacks

San Antonio Express-News

At least two Metrocom cities are planning events this weekend to commemorate those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.

Universal City is hosting its second annual Heroes Walk Saturday, dubbed “1.4 Miles for Freedom,” to commemorate the events of Sept. 11 that took more than 3,000 lives in attacks on the Pentagon, the World Trade Center towers in New York City and in a hijacked plane crash in Pennsylvania. Registration for the event begins at 6 p.m. and the walk starts at 6:30 p.m.

Universal City City Councilwoman Beverly Volle, who was in the U.S. Air Force and at the Pentagon the day of the attack, said she wanted to find a way to commemorate those who served that day, who perished in the attacks, and all emergency responders who, today, wear uniforms of service.

“It’s not for exercise, it’s simply to commemorate those who died, those who served, and our emergency responders that day and today, the guys who risk it all every time they answer a call,” Volle said.

Rain plagued the start of last year’s inaugural event, but more 300 strong turned out in spite of the faulty weather conditions.

Volle was situated on the opposite side of the Pentagon from where American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the building. She said she felt no shaking of the structure but knew right away, from the evacuation and the visible plume of smoke, that something was seriously wrong.

U.C. Mayor John Williams, members of City Council, and police and fire department members, in uniform, took part in the last year’s walk, which started at City Hall and trailed along Pat Booker Road, Universal City Boulevard and Coronado Boulevard. This year’s walk will follow the same path.

The city of Converse is hosting an event to commemorate the events of 9/11. Converse City Councilman John Shadron said the city’s Parks and Recreational Commission along with the Converse Fire/EMS Alumni are holding the 9/11 ceremony, which begins at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the Converse North Park pavilion, 8200 Springtown St.

A number of guest speakers will be on hand “to pay tribute to the firefighters, paramedics, police officers and civilians who lost their lives in the attacks, and to thank those that continue in their footsteps,” Shadron said.

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