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Texas police escort fallen officer’s kids on first day of school

Justin Scherlen died two weeks ago after complications from an on-duty crash

By Police1 Staff

AMARILLO, Texas — The children of fallen officer Justin Scherlen got a huge surprise when they walked into their first day of school.

The Amarillo Police Department lined the halls and surprised the kids, giving out hugs as they passed through, Fox61 reports.

The Amarillo Independent School District tweeted out video of the moment saying “After losing his police officer dad, he has an army of stand-ins for this important first.”

Amarillo Officer Daniel Smith told the publication they were glad to do it, but he’d “give it all back just to have Justin here with his son.”

Scherlen’s wife Jessica said she thought Justin “would be very proud of how his brothers and sisters have stepped up to be here for his kids.”