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W.Va. sheriff remembers Deputy David Rolls

By Richard Kerns
The News-Tribune

KEYSER, W.Va. — Mineral County Law enforcement officials were mourning the loss of one of their own with the death of Deputy David Paul Rolls, who passed away this weekend following a seven-month battle with cancer.

Mineral County Sheriff Gary White said Rolls had been on sick leave since January, only a month after earning a promotion to sergeant last December. A 15-year employee, he was a shift supervisor.

“He really had a battle with it,” White said of the cancer that took Rolls’ life. “Throughout it all, up to the end, his intention was to come back ... that kept him going.”

In a statement, Mineral County Prosecuting Attorney Lynn Nelson described Deputy Rolls as “a compassionate individual who put his heart and soul into his work.”

“We are glad that his suffering has ended, but sorry to have lost our friend,” Nelson said.

White described Deputy Rolls as a man of many interests who raced cars and developed a gun-sight patent.

“He was very easy to work with,” White said. “He’s just going to be sorely missed by his brothers and sisters in the Sheriff’s Department.”

According to White, a memorial service is planned for Deputy Roll on Aug. 17.

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