By Police1 Staff
A recent video of a robber being ejected by a mysterious force came across our radar recently and got us thinking, “This looks awfully familiar…” so, we started digging through our archives and gathered some of the biggest fails caught on camera.
1. The first is said video, of a man being hurled from a café window, limbs flailing, onto the street below in Brazil, prompting his not-so-loyal getaway driver to speed off without him.
2. To say that this is a video of a suspect being tackled is an understatement. A man fleeing police first comes into contact with a police SUV, and is then pummeled by a charging cop before he has a chance to realize what hit him.
3.You’ll need to have your volume up to truly appreciate this next one. The amateur cameraman wasn’t fast enough to catch all the action, but the unquestionable metal “ding!” says it all, when an unruly man does everything he can to get away from an arresting officer.
4. A Miami man robbed a Starbucks, and his escape couldn’t have been less successful. First, he lost control and crashed his getaway car, then got stuck on a fence he attempted to climb over. Next he failed to steal the keys from a woman as she exited her car and outran him, all the while the suspect dropped much of his not-so-hard-earned cash. Full Story
5. This video proves the saying “timing is everything.” An Indiana man was just moments from fleeing a gas station with the cash register in his arms when he found himself face-to-face with a cop entering the store. Full Story
6. It’s safe to assume the man in this surveillance video has seen his share of fails prior to this attempted break-in. Watch as he scares himself when he trips a burglar alarm and falls not once – but twice as he desperately tries to flee the scene. Full Story
7. An armed man robbing a convenience store donning an afro wig isn’t taken seriously by the employee, who takes her time opening the cash register, or by the customer, who spats with the gunman over a measly five dollars.