SONOMA, Calif. — TEN 97 Inc. is proud to announce that THE AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY (AFRL) has awarded a SBIR/AFWERX PHASE I funding grant to TEN 97 inc. (dba - BODY ARMOR VENT®️) to develop a group of potential U.S. Military customers for their unique BODY ARMOR VENT retrofit kit panels, and to secure MOU’s for same that say there is a desire/intent to purchase and use said panels with their soldiers’ plate carriers.
The rationale is that BODY ARMOR VENT panels, for the first time in the history of body armor, effortlessly (extremely light weight) and inexpensively, foster increased air movement between base layer and plate carrier, causing much more evaporative cooling under the armor than heretofore.
This cooling and evaporation keeps soldiers healthier, more aware and therefore safer while wearing all forms of armor. The panels also distribute the weight of the carriers better.
They also reduce epidermal issues caused by perspiration that does not evaporate.
A report written by the Surgeon General of the U.S. Air Force states, “wearing body armor impedes heat dissipation and increases heat strain, which has a measurable degrading effect on performance.” Heat stress can reduce mental performance; therefore, tasks that require attention to detail, concentration, and short-term memory may degrade from heat stress.
The BODY ARMOR VENT I.C.E. RFK is a paradigm shifting invention because, for the first time in the history of body armor, there is now continuous air flow between the plate carrier and the wet base layer, creating evaporative cooling. The RFK consists of two flexible, extremely lightweight, scientifically sculpted, fabric/foam panels which can easily be worn under all existing body armor. The air flow chimneys and horizontally punched holes throughout the panels allow air to flow south to north and circumferentially. The system is completely passive with the energy coming from the human diaphragm muscle. It dramatically amplifies and maintains continuous evaporative cooling: reducing heat stress, epidermal issues, and lowering physical discomfort by spreading out the weight load of body armor.