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Beretta U.S.A. Dramatically Increases Law Enforcement Sales Presence

ACCOKEEK, MD - Beretta U.S.A. revealed full details today of its revamped law enforcement sales force. In 2008, Beretta U.S.A. had five employees dedicated to direct sales to law enforcement agencies, dealers and distributors. With its reorganized structure, the number of sales personnel calling on law enforcement customers has increased to thirty.

“Beretta U.S.A. offers a deep and broad line of highest quality tactical products, including the new Beretta Px4 Storm pistol, the Benelli line of tactical shotguns, the Sako TRG and Tikka T3 sniper and marksman-level rifles, and supporting services such as armorer and firearm transitional training and specialized product engineering,” noted Gary Ramey, Beretta U.S.A.'s Vice President for Sales and Marketing. “What we needed to match these products and capabilities was a strong team of on-the-ground sales staff who could meet with the numerous law enforcement agencies, dealers and distributors throughout the country to learn more about their needs and to introduce them to our remarkable products”.

To achieve this objective, Beretta U.S.A. has hired four law enforcement sales agencies that will focus on law enforcement agency and dealer sales. These agencies and their respective territories are:

Covering the East Coast is Sports Marketing South. They are headquartered in Norcross, GA. Skip Dahlstrom is president of the company, which has been in business for 25 years. The office phone number is 770-453-7787.

The Mid-Central region is handled by Schueler, LaFond, Spry & Associates. Robert Schueler is president of the 30 year-old company. The office headquarters is in Palatine, IL, and the office phone number is 847-991-6119.

Western Frontier Sales serves the Western Region and is headquartered in Jackson, CA. William Kuchan is president of the company, which has been in business for more than 8 years. The office phone number is 209-274-4800.

The South Central Region is covered by Owens Outdoor Sales, a 5 year-old company, which is headquartered in Bourne, TX. The president of the company is Waylan Owens. The office phone number is 830-537-4472.

Within Beretta U.S.A., The support for law enforcement customer sales and service remains the responsibility of a dedicated team of experienced Company employees.

Len Lucas is the Manager of Law Enforcement and Defense Markets, Customer Service and Training Division. Mr. Lucas can be reached at, or at (301) 283-2191, x1372. Mr. Lucas, who has been with Beretta U.S.A. Corp. for eleven years, has during that time, trained thousands of law enforcement and military personnel and firearm users. Mr. Lucas is a United States Marine with many years of active duty experience. He is a combat veteran who has participated in military operations all over the world. His duties encompassed all aspects of land, sea and air warfare applications, extensive training in various small arms, small unit tactics, demolitions, unconventional warfare and maritime operations.

Additionally, Mr. Lucas currently serves with a major Virginia Sheriff’s Office as a Sr. Patrol officer and with special units in the department.

Beretta U.S.A.’s Law Enforcement Operations Manager is Ms. Ann Ringenberg. Ms. Ringenberg can be reached at, or at (301) 283-2191, x1306. Ms. Ringenberg has been a Beretta U.S.A. employee for ten years, serving during most of her tenure on customer service issues. Both Mr. Lucas and Ms. Ringenberg are supported within Beretta U.S.A. by a dedicated team of talented Company employees.

For additional information on Beretta U.S.A.'s law enforcement products and services, visit

About Beretta
Beretta established in 1526, is the oldest industrial dynasty in the world tracing its roots through 16 generations of continuous family ownership. Firearms bearing the Beretta name have been sold for almost 500 years. Beretta USA Corp. was founded in 1977 and supplies the standard sidearm to the U.S. Armed Forces. Today, Beretta manufactures, distributes and markets a complete line of firearms, accessories and apparel. Beretta also owns and operates six retail Beretta Gallery stores worldwide. For additional information, visit