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Wis. DNR looking for texted tips

Texts can be sent to tip-411 (847-411) and need to include TIPWDNR in the message

Wisconsin Radio Network

The DNR is asking the public to text in tips about possible illegal activity. The agency is launching a new tip line for text messages, where the public can report those who are breaking state hunting, fishing, and environmental laws, among many others.

Chief Conservation Warden Randy Stark says it could prove to be a valuable tool because the public plays such a critical role in catching those who are harming the environment.

Texts can be sent to tip-411 (847-411) and need to include TIPWDNR in the message. Stark says it’s important to include the “who, what, when, and where” with the text message, so conservation wardens know how to react.

Read more: DNR looking for texted tips