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Media Forensics Masters Program First of its Kind to Open Fall 2010

University of Colorado Denver - National Center for Media Forensics Lab (NCMF) – To Utilize dTective and ClearID from Ocean Systems to teach forensic video and image analysis in its first of its kind University Masters Program in Media Forensics

Ocean Systems, Burtonsville, MD - Ocean Systems, the leading provider of forensic video, image and audio enhancement solutions, today announced National Center for Media Forensics (NCMF) at The University of Colorado Denver is acquiring one of its complete-turnkey dTective® Forensic Video, Image and Audio Analysis Systems with 10 additional copies of ClearID® forensic image clarification software as key components of the new NCMF Classroom Lab. These components in the NCMF lab will be utilized in launching a first of its kind masters degree program established to educate the next generation of forensic media experts.

The NCMF was officially launched by Professor Richard Sanders in 2008 and has received over a million dollars in federal funding. Prof. Sanders, a world renowned media forensics expert, sadly passed away in 2009.

Jeff Smith, Interim Director of the Center said of the new Masters Program, “It is the only masters level program in the country that focuses solely on the forensic analysis of video and audio media evidence.”

Students graduating from the NCMF Masters program will find careers in academic research and education, research for corporate development, law enforcement as well as private practice.

“With the advent of recent opinions from Federal and State courts advocating the questioning of forensic evidence, we are seeing more orders for our solutions from Educational Institutions like the University of Colorado Denver because education and training in these matters is so critical.” said Angelo Guarino, President of Ocean Systems.

About Ocean Systems:
Since 1999, Ocean Systems has been providing Law Enforcement Agencies with powerful multi-media evidence clarification and case management systems known as the Ocean Systems dTective® System. Ocean Systems Forensic Video, Image and Audio Clarification and Analysis solutions have become the standard with Law Enforcement and are the products of choice for over 1,500 Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies in the U.S. and around the world.

For more information on Ocean Systems’ Forensic evidence systems visit or contact us at 800-253-7516