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Free Grant Assistance Now Available for Public Safety Agencies from the Makers of EyeDetect


Law enforcement agencies interested in enhancing their screening and investigative processes with EyeDetect can get assistance through

LEHI, Utah – August 16, 2019 – Beginning today, public safety agencies can receive free and unlimited assistance in applying for grant money via to help acquire the latest lie detection technology called EyeDetect by Converus.

Grant funding helps public safety agencies get the technologies needed to better serve the public. However, navigating the grant process can be daunting and agencies are often unsuccessful in obtaining funds. experts will now guide potential EyeDetect customers through the grant process, including identifying available funds, applying for funds, and helping to secure funding.

Agencies nationwide are implementing EyeDetect because of its speed, accuracy and cost-savings. One such agency using EyeDetect in its pre-employment screening process is Idaho State Police.

“EyeDetect, used in conjunction with polygraph, has been a huge benefit for our agency,” said Idaho State Police Lieutenant Matthew Sly. “EyeDetect takes a lot less time to be able to run somebody through a test. For example, in just under an hour we can usually have an applicant through the EyeDetect test with a result back. It was previously taking us three hours.”

Sly added another benefit is EyeDetect’s computer interaction is more relatable to the younger generation of job candidates his agency sees.

EyeDetect detects deception with an 86 to 90% accuracy in 15 to 30 minutes by analyzing involuntary eye behavior, including pupil dilation, blink rate and other eye movements. Examiners can be trained to administer tests and certified in a few hours. It’s currently used by more than 500 customers in 40 countries in 40 different languages.

Law enforcement agencies are currently using EyeDetect to screen job applicants for issues that would disqualify them from working for the organization — such as serious crimes, drug use, terrorism and other criminal or unethical behaviors.

“EyeDetect helps law enforcement agencies put better people in uniform for a fraction of the cost of other screening methods,” added Converus President and CEO Todd Mickelsen.

The mission of, part of, is to provide the first responder community access to a national database of available grants. The organization offers free assistance with grant research, the grant application process, and custom grant writing services. To date, the organization has secured more than $100 Million in grant funding for agencies.

According to the PoliceGrantsHelp’s website, the full program allows law enforcement departments “the ability to secure grants that will be used to purchase equipment you could otherwise not afford.”

For more information about EyeDetect, visit

About Converus®

Converus provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies. EyeDetect® detects deception at 86-90% accuracy in 15-30 minutes by analyzing eye and other behaviors. IdentityDetect® detects falsified identities at 91% accuracy in about 1-3 minutes by analyzing subtle variations in the somatic nervous system. IntegrityDetect® identifies the most trustworthy individuals at 80% accuracy in 6 minutes by analyzing a person’s implicit associations. These technologies help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats. Converus is headquartered in Lehi, Utah, USA. Visit: