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Ohio cop hurt after being attacked by students

Editor’s note: When dealing with school-related calls, there are a few important things to keep in mind: (1) Regardless of who you’re dealing with, stay alert for signs that a group may be packing up against you, particularly if you’re solo. (2) Don’t allow yourself to become part of “the show” — having an audience can cause some to be more brazen than usual in an effort to show off in front of the crowd—particularly if you’re dealing with students. (3) Also, if you’re dealing with fighting students, it’s not just the students you need to stay focused on — it might be parents in the area who can be your biggest threat. Be sure to read Reminders for dealing with a school fight for more tips.

CINCINNATI, Ohio — A Cincinnati police officer, caught in a fight involving thirty junior high kids, is now suffering from a concussion, according to doctors who examined the officer today. Veteran officer Mike Roth went back to the doctor because of recurring headaches.

Roth also has bruises and cuts after breaking up a fight Tuesday night at Rees E. Price Academy, an elementary school in Price Hill. It began as a fight between just two students. As Officer Roth walked them back inside, one of them punched him in the head.

Captain Kim Frey, Cincinnati Police: “Thirty kids attack him, punching, kicking, grabbing his gun belt, bizarre, this is mob mentality.” Charges range from assault on a police officer to disorderly conduct and obstructing justice. Stephanie White, the mother of one of the teens, was also arrested for trying to keep her son from being arrested. The Cincinnati Public School Athletic Director called the behavior unacceptable, and canceled the basketball season.

Read full story: Police officer hurt in fight has concussion