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NYC apologizes for billing man killed during pursuit

Suspect, who was fleeing police, was struck by a squad car

Associated Press

NEW YORK — New York City officials have apologized for sending a collection letter to a man who was killed by a police cruiser, billing him $710 for the damage his body did to the vehicle.

Tamon Robinson died in April during a police chase in Brooklyn. Officers had caught the 23-year-old digging up paving stones, and he was fleeing on foot when he was hit by the cruiser.

Then, last month, Robinson’s mother got a letter from a law firm retained by the city. It was addressed to her dead son and demanded that he pay for the damage within 10 days.

Robinson’s mother tells The Daily News she is outraged.

A spokeswoman for the city’s law department tells The New York Times the notice never should have been sent.

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