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Threat of Attacks by Individual Extremists

This alert summarizes and expands on the recent FBI bulletin sent to Law Enforcement nationwide warning authorities to be on the alert for lone terrorists who are not directed by or only loosely connected to terror organizations.

The bulletin said: “Lone extremists represent an ongoing terrorist threat in the United States. Lone extremists may operate independently or on the fringes of established extremist groups, either alone or with one or two accomplices.” The bulletin warns that the possibility of war with Iraq could unleash acts of violence in the US by lone extremists who sympathize with the perceived grievances of more formal terror groups.

An important part of the global Jihad that Islamic extremists have undertaken is the concept of “Fatwa”. A fatwa is an open hit contract, to be carried out by any radical operative, at any time, at any location, and by any means. These operatives generally do not officially belong to any terror organization.

A number of radical Islamic religious leaders, including those of Hamas and Hezbollah, have recently invoked fatwa in calling for attacks against the US and US interests. Many officials regard the new taped message believed to be from bin Laden as a similar summons to his followers, and to new sympathizers.

As the FBI warns, Law Enforcement should be on the lookout for direct attacks by extremists, such as attacks with automatic weapons or homicide bombings. Although their actions are difficult to predict or prevent, the FBI notes that often there are early warning signs concerning these individuals that could be useful to law enforcement. Many lone extremists, for example, have a history of functioning poorly within traditional communities, such as educational institutions, churches and places of employment.”

In addition to direct attacks, sabotage is encouraged and sanctioned by “fatwa.” Law Enforcement should be aware of this component of the current threat as it too will increase as anger towards the US grows. With this in mind, Law Enforcement across the country should also keep an eye out for incidents, which are being classified as accidents, but bear all the earmarks of sabotage.

Police1 notes that these threats exists separately from the war on Iraq, but that the likelihood of such attacks increases as the groundswell of anger toward the US grows.

Source: NY Times; FBI; Informed Source