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Twin Terror Disasters Test Northeastern Responders

by The Emergency Response and Research Institute

UNION COUNTY, NJ - Two major disaster struck New England yesterday. Both were of a devastating ferocity, but in different ways. An incident in Union County, NJ involved a black SUV, which was though to have been used in an intentional release of a bio-agent, Yersinia pestis or pneumonic plague by a suspected member of a simulated terrorist group. Late on Monday, a total of 26 cases of the disease, and five deaths were reported in Union County. That number is expected to increased on Tuesday, as the plague spreads person-to-person.

In Connecticut, a short time later, a mock chemical release and carbomb explosion destroyed a festival at New London waterfront. Reportedly, a release of what was believed to be a sulfer mustard gas further complicated and contaminated multiple simulated patients. 323 simulated patients were involved in this scenario. More than fifty were critically injured, and hundreds of others were less injured in the incident.

Federal officials said that more than 10,000 people will participate in the drill, including exercises that will also involve officials in Canada and England. EmergencyNet News will bring you additional updates on this story as we have reporters live on the ground in New Jersey.


Additional reference: OSHA BEST PRACTICES for HOSPITAL-BASED FIRST RECEIVERS OF VICTIMS from Mass Casualty Incidents Involving the Release of Hazardous Substances

Emergency Response & Research Institute

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