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17-year-old girl begged to go to jail after damaging cruiser

Sergeant: The girl screamed ‘Take me to jail, take me to jail’ over and over

Bangor Daily News

BANGOR, Maine — A 17-year-old girl from Stetson begged to be taken to jail Monday night and was granted her wish after she pointed out damage she had done to the police cruiser of Bangor police Officer Kim Donnell.

Donnell was leaving the police station at around 9:30 p.m. when she was approached by the upset teenager, Sgt. Paul Edwards said Tuesday.

The girl “was just screaming, ‘Take me to jail, take me to jail’ over and over and over,” the sergeant said. The suspect was not identified because she is a juvenile.

Donnell was taken aback by the screaming teen and asked why she wanted to be taken to jail. The girl responded, “Because I broke your [expletive] windows,” Edwards said.

Donnell walked to her police car and noticed the driver’s side window had been smashed in and the windshield broken. She charged the teen with felony aggravated criminal mischief.

The girl was taken to the emergency room at Eastern Maine Medical Center for an evaluation, then to the Penobscot County Jail and eventually to Mountain View Juvenile Correctional Facility in Charleston.

The damage to the police cruiser was estimated at $2,000.

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