By Police1 Staff
MEXICO — Female officers in the city of Querétaro have filed complaints with a human rights group about “attractiveness” inspections they were subjected to by their command staff, The Guardian reported.
The inspections were a part of the selection process for a new female unit in the city. Officers complained to Coincidir Mujeres, an NGO, that supports the women. They are calling for the resignation of Chief Ronaldo Eugenio Hidalgo Eddy.
“The women said, ‘I trained to be a police officer, not a showgirl,’” Maricuz Ocampo, of Coincidir Mujeres, said.
Ocampo said that the officers were singled out by male superiors for the inspection where officers commented on their appearance. Officers allegedly told one woman who recently delivered a child she was “paunchy.”
Eddy had a similar job in Aguascalientes where he formed another unit of attractive female officers made to patrol in high-heeled boots, tight clothes and make up.
Ocampo told the news site a surge of sexual harassment allegations have also occurred within the agency.
“What we’re worried about,” Ocampo says, “is that the human rights violations inside the force are going to eventually move toward the public.”
A spokesperson for the department denied there were any special female units being formed and would not comment to the publication on any further allegations pending the outcome of the human rights investigation.